Secure DNS is a cloud security platform that stops threats, blocks malware and enforces content web filtering with easy deployment steps. We assure you to experience a reliable and secure internet connection with Nayatel Secure DNS and access the internet confidently with powerful protection.

Nayatel Secure DNS
powered by Umbrella

The leader in DNS Layer Security, CISCO Umbrella gives the most
complete view of the relationships and evolution of internet domains, IPs
and malware. With more than 30 Data Centers worldwide, and processing over 250 billion recursive DNS requests; CISCO Umbrella delivers 100% business uptime.

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How it works?



Security Filtering

Content Filtering

Nayatel secure DNS, powered by Cisco Umbrella offers cloud-based security service, to detect compromised systems and protect users on and off the network by stopping threats over any port or protocol before they reach your network or endpoints.

Nayatel secure DNS, powered by Cisco Umbrella offers cloud-based security service, to detect compromised systems and protect users on and off the network by stopping threats over any port or protocol before they reach your network or endpoints.