Nayatel establishes a strong bond with its community

By adding value to the society socially, economically and environmentally. It garners societal growth by aligning initiatives with its core values: honesty, mannerism, simplicity, sacrifice, discipline, knowledge and hard work.

Exemplary business practices, organizational citizenship behavior and corporate social responsibility have made Nayatel a consumer trusted brand which demonstrates that purpose goes beyond profits.


In 2009, Nayatel initiated a tree plantation campaign. In 2018, the company kept its tradition and helped make the environment greener by planting 500 trees in collaboration with Capital Development Authority (CDA).


Nayatel is an ACCA approved employer, the organization has conducted successful recruitment drives in 30+ universities ensuring employment to talented fresh graduates.


In 2007, Nayatel collaborated with Jamila Sultana Foundation for a blood donation campaign. Ever since the employees frequently take part in need based blood donation drives.
  • Team Nayatel took the initiative to support flood affectees in its 2008 Flood Relief Campaign. All volunteers exemplified empathy by standing with the community in the time of natural disaster.
  • Also in 2008, in the aftermath of Marriot bombing incident, the IT hub of Pakistan faced the consequences and was on the verge of a shutdown. Nayatel, being the only fiber optic network service in the capital, saved the day by reconnecting its customers over the weekend.
  • 2013
    Nayatel engaged in supporting internally displaced persons (IDPs) by providing ration in the year 2013.
    In the year 2017, Nayatel, in collaboration with P@sha, extended full support to IT companies affected by the STP/Awami Markaz fire .

    Sustainability at Nayatel

    An organization’s employees are its essence. So focusing on the core, Nayatel is committed to creating an environment for its employees i.e. conducive to development. Nayatel’s human capital is entitled to benefits having health, safety, security and provision covered. Nayatel assures compliance and its employees benefit from bonuses, medical insurance, EOBI and provident fund. In 2014, an Eye Camp in collaboration with Amanat Eye Hospital and in 2017, a Medical Camp by Chughtai Lab was set up for the team. Nayatel always goes beyond the call of duty to support its employees in need with their health concerns. It sponsors education for their children and even caters to the needs of families of the deceased. Employees relish work-life balance with engagement activities including sports events and trips.

    Nayatel strongly believes that in order to create a positive impact on the society, we must go beyond purposive brand alleviation and build long-term value for the society.